Classes Offered & Dress Code
All Uniform items can be found at All items are sensory friendly, have free exchanges and returns. Dancers enrolled in multiple classes may default to black leotard. When sizing shoes be sure to carefully read the size chart. We can also provide fitting appointments.

Princess Class
•Princess Pink Leotard
•Dark tan footed tights
•Black tap shoes and pink ballet shoes (NO TIES)

Totally 2
•Any colored leotard or shortie •Footless tights
•NO shoes, NO skirts and NO tutus

•Black leotard
•Classic Pink footed or convertible tights
•Pink ballet shoes leather or canvas
•Hair in neat bun
•Black skirt optional
•NO shorts or shirts •Undergarments should be black or neutral

Ballet Tap Combo
•Soft blue leotard
•Dark tan footed or convertible tights
•Black tap shoes and pink ballet shoes (NO TIES)

•Plum or Black Leotard
•Dark tan convertible or stirrup tights
•Black shorts optional
•Black leggings (when wearing leggings tights are not required)
•NO shirts
•Dark tan leather jazz boot

•Plum or Black Leotard
•Dark tan convertible or stirrup tights
•Black shorts optional
•Black leggings (when wearing leggings tights are not required)
•NO shirts
•Black tap shoes

Contemporary and Lyrical
•Black leotard
•Dark tan stirrup tights
•Black leggings (when wearing leggings tights are not required)

Musical Theater
•Red or Black Leotard
•Dark tan convertible or stirrup tights
•Black shorts optional
•Black leggings (when wearing leggings tights are not required)
•Dark tan leather jazz boot
​•NO shirts

Hip Hop, Mini Hop, Tiny Hop
•Black leggings or joggers •Marine or Black leotard
•Black classic High top Sneaker (not to be worn outside)

Acro and Tumble
•Black leotard or Black Shortie •Dark tan footless or stirrup tights
•NO Shirts
•NO shorts
Boys (Listed for all classes)
•Black bike shorts or joggers
•White T-shirt
•Black ballet shoes if taking ballet
•Black jazz boot if taking jazz
•Black tap shoes if taking tap
•Black Classic High Top Sneaker (not to be worn outside)

•Pink tights
•Black Leotard
•Pointe shoes
•Black Skirt (No Shorts)
•Hair in Bun